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Course - Cathedral Window quilting Techinque

This special course are based on both felting and quilting techniques and the instructors will be Tone and Rita.
Participants will start by felting some silk/wool fabric. The thin felted fabric will then be sewn to cotton fabric of your choice, matching your felted piece. 
The finished piece can be made to a cushion cover or something else of your choice, depending on size. 
Course duration: Day 1 - 10.00 - 16.00 (incl lunch) Day 2: 10.00 - 12.00

Course price NOK 700,- + materials

Days: 22.08.2018 (Day 3) - 23.08.2018 (Day 4)

When: 10:00 - 15:00

Price: 0.00 NOK

Last registration date: 01.07.2019

Info: You can sign to this Course while you are booking! Or log on to the site to add to your booking. See FAQ how to log in.